Putting On Your Wig:

Before putting on your wig, prepare your hair, by brushing your hair off your face at the top and the sides. If your hair is long, use bobby pins to secure the hair off your face, back at the sides, and up at the nape. You can make large pin curls, which will evenly distribute the hair around your head, so you won't have any bumps under the wig. You can wear a wig liner or sew toupee clips onto your wig, to hold it securely in place.

It is important to feel comfortable in your wig! It shouldn't feel too tight, nor should you worry about it slipping off. Many people with or without hair choose not to wear a wig cap and find the wig stays in place without one. Others prefer the security the wig cap provides.

There are many ways to keep your wig on securely, should you feel that it is slipping out of the desired position. It really is personal preference.

When wearing a wig, a wig cap does provide more security, keeps the wig clean from the oils of your scalp, and helps to secure any of your own hair up under the wig. Some may be sensitive to any pressure on the circumference of their head and prone to head aches, in which case toupee clips may feel more comfortable than a wig cap.

If you, should decide, to use a wig cap, place the wig cap over your hair. Stretch the wig cap over your head, either from the back to the front or from the front to the back. Tuck any existing hair up under the wig cap after you stretch the wig cap over your head. You can use hair spray or gel around your own hairline to keep your hair neatly tucked under the wig cap or wig.

If you would like to add extra security, you may insert bobbie pins through the wig cap and into your hair underneath, if applicable.

Place the wig onto your head over the wig cap. Lift the hair of the wig up to show the underside of the wig and insert bobbie pins over the mesh under the wig to secure the wig to the wig cap. Insert bobbie pins at the front, side and back of the wig to hold the wig securely to the wig cap.

Another method to keep the wig in place is to sew toupee or "wig clips" to the underside of the wig, which snap closed grabbing the hair on your head and holding the wig securely in place flat against your head. You may use toupee clips with a wig cap or not, as you prefer. Other options, if you have no hair or short hair, are self sticking athletic stretch tape wrapped around your head, (like a headband) , non slip elastic hair-bands or a cooling gel head band called comfy grip, which is adjustable and keeps the wig from moving around. The comfy grip can be worn loosely on the head and still works perfectly.

Each person will find their own most comfortable method to secure the wig to their head.

When putting the wig, on your head, hold your wig at the sides.

Most wigs have ear tabs on either side of the front of the wig. On either side of the wig, match up the two triangular ear tabs, so that they are even, on either side of your head. Line up the ear tabs, so that they are evenly positioned and if you were to put your index finger on each ear tab it would like an arrow wash entering and exiting evenly on either side of your head.

Towards the bottom back of the wig, there are adjustable tabs for adjusting the size of the wig for a better fit.

Place the front of the wig at your natural hairline, and slide it on, from front to back. Adjust the wig as needed, so the front edge is just covering, your natural hairline. Use the ear- tabs, to center your wig from left to right.

If the wig is the same color and texture as your own hair, you can blend in your own hairline with the front of the wig for a more natural look.

Washing Your Wig:

Synthetic wigs, are very easy to care for! There is no need, to set, or blow dry the hair as you would, with human hair. The hairstyle is baked in and bounces back into place after washing the wig.

Before washing your synthetic (modacrylic) wig, gently ease out any tangles and try not to stretch the hair. To wash your wig, soak it in a large basin of cool water and wig shampoo or liquid dish washing soap. I like to add baking soda, which removes odors and gently boosts cleansing. Do not use hot water when washing your synthetic (modacrylic) fiber wig! Heat will remove the style. Next, follow with a wig conditioner or fabric softener in the final rinse, and gently shake out the excess water from the wig. You can gently blot it in a dry towel. Be sure not to rub or wring the wig. Place the wig, on a wire wig stand and let it air dry. Never brush, your modacrylic fiber wig, while it’s wet! When your wig is completely dry, give it a good shake, to bring the style back to life. Most modacrylic wigs, have a pre-set style, which will bounce right back after being washed.

To freshen- up your wig between shampoos, you may use a fabric spray like "Febreze."

For human hair, you may wash and style the wig as you would your own hair. The water can be warm and especially with longer wigs, be sure to run the warm water over the wig, rather than letting it soak in the basin full of water, as this can contribute to tangling and matting of the hair. Wash and rinse this way, for less tangling with longer human hair wigs. Place the wig in a towel and gently blot (don't wring) and then place the wig on a wig stand or mannequin head to style. T pins are very helpful to keep the wig secured in place for styling.

If you should have problems with your longer wigs tangling try leave in spray de tangling products, such as mane 'n tail detangler.

General Styling Tips:

If your hair is not the same color or texture as the wig, then be sure and smooth it back with gel or hairspray and put on the wig cap or not. For a more natural looking hairline, (especially with a non lace front wig), then be sure and tuck all of your own hair underneath the wig.

Your wig, will look the most natural, when the edges of the hairline on the wig are lying as flat as possible to your fore- head and around the hairline. Next, once the wig is secured on your head, pull down (along the forehead) the hair, here and there at the front hairline, and near the temples along the edges of the wig . Tease the hair back up towards the hairline to soften any hard edges and make the wig look completely believable.

I've found that using an eyelash comb is very good for teasing the short hairs around the hairline of the wig. You may use hairspray as desired.

To reduce any excessive shine, on a modacrylic fiber wig , you may lightly dust the wig with corn starch or talc on a powder brush. Shake off any excess powder if necessary, otherwise you might have a dark wig looking grey if too much powder is applied.

Also, it is more natural to have the wig hair looking somewhat loose and not too perfect. When the wig is too tight and perfect is looks like a wig from a mile away.

Use wig brushes, wide tooth combs, your fingers and other styling accessories such as wig-conditioner spray, hair spray or styling gel.

Synthetic ( Modacrylic) Fiber Styles:

Try the "shake and go" method. Many styles, just only need, a good shake or finger styling and they're ready to wear.

For tight, curly or ringlet styles, give the wig a gentle shake, then, gently lift the curls with a pick comb or your fingers. DO NOT BRUSH.

For wavy styles, with loose curls, just brush lightly with a wig styling brush or pick comb using short, lifting strokes enough to relax the style.

For long, curly styles use your fingers, or a pick comb to gently lift and separate the curls.

For straight styles, gently brush, and try not to stretch the fibers. On synthetic fiber modacrylic wigs and hairpieces do not use any heated styling tools, such as hair dryers and curling irons or other heat sources as they may damage the fiber.

Some wigs, have a "packing" top, which is, (shorter fibers at root/base of wig). These shorter fibers are there to give body and volume to the wig. A light combing from the root base in an upward direction, with a wide tooth comb/brush, will blend them into the other longer fibers. Then, using your fingers, pick out the strands and move them into the direction of the style, that you want to achieve. You may want to do this with your fingers.

For human hair wigs, you may use heated styling tools just as you would on your own hair.

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